Evan Rosa

Lead Data Engineer and Full Stack Developer

A dedicated Lead Data Engineer at Digital Turbine, specializing in managing data architectures and cloud projects. In my free time, I delve into Full Stack Web Development, handling end-to-end creation of web applications. My passion is creating maintainable, well-structured code while staying up to date on the latest technologies.

My professional journey began in the realm of analytics, where I was immersed in running reports and deciphering data. As I delved into the code that powered these numbers, I found myself captivated by a new world of creativity and behavioral understanding.

As time progressed, I've had the privilege of contributing to a diverse range of environments, from non-profits and government contracts to established organizations. Today, I serve as a Lead Data Engineer, where I am responsible for building and optimizing data workflows. This includes data gathering, cleaning, and sorting, with the ultimate goal of transforming raw data into actionable insights.

In my free time, I channel my passion for coding and problem-solving into full-stack development. I handle end-to-end development of applications as personal projects, utilizing a variety of technologies such as Python, TypeScript, React/NextJS, Redis, relational databases, and more. These projects allow me to explore the latest technologies and continue honing my skills in creating maintainable, well-structured code.

Currently during my free time, I am working towards the completion of a side project of mine that uses NextJS and other technologies. Here are some of the other technologies I work with:

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • SQL

  • Postgres

  • Redis

  • Docker

  • Node/NPM/Yarn

  • Git/GitLab/Github

  • JIRA

  • ReactJS/NextJS (App Router)

  • Prisma


  • Big Query

  • Apache AirFlow

Data Engineer at
Digital Turbine

- Present
  • Managed data architectures and led GA4 analytic migrations, optimizing BigQuery ETL pipelines for enhanced data accuracy and actionable insights.

  • Demonstrated proficiency in Google Analytics (GA4 & UA), GCP, and BigQuery, with a focus on creating and maintaining BigQuery tables and GA schemas.

  • Utilized Google APIs, written in Python, to construct scalable data architectures that expedited setup processes and facilitated data-driven decision-making. Ensured the robustness and reliability of these solutions through comprehensive testing using pytest.


Full-Stack Web Saas App (In Development)

I'm developing a comprehensive SaaS web application, leveraging technologies like TypeScript, Next.js, and Google APIs, to scale Google data flows and ensure seamless functionality and secure payment processing.

So, after reading all that...

I'm always open to exploring new opportunities. If you'd like to discuss my professional experience as a Lead Data Engineer or Full Stack Developer, or if you're interested in collaborating on a project involving data architectures, cloud projects, or full stack web applications, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Built by Evan Rosa